Case Study: Waveform Analysis at a Power Utility

Roeloff Hoffman, Technician, WearCheck


One of the most neglected areas in vibration is waveform analysis. By capturing the correct waveform length and resolution a defect can be outlined and the severity of the defect can be determined and trended accurately. This presentation will highlight common defect patterns in the waveform, how serious defects can be hidden if the incorrect resolution is used, and how to choose the correct waveform for your machines.


  1. Identify common defects in the waveform.
  2. Examples of hidden defects in low resolution waveforms.
  3. How to calculate and setup the correct waveform for your machines.
  4. Several case studies including; roller bearing damage, broken gear teeth, internal bearing looseness and more.


I started my career in the field of condition monitoring 6 years ago as an apprentice in the power generation industry. I managed to improve my skills in the condition monitoring field focusing on vibration and ODS analysis together with thermography and oil analysis. Currently I am situated in Matimba Power station in South Africa as a condition monitoring technician. My most recent achievement was to pass Mobius CAT III Vibration course.